April 18 (Mon.) - 21 (Thu.), 2022
Hybrid holding by online and venue


PDF program and schedule

Please check OPIC online program https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/opic2022/top?lang=en
Please select OWPT2022 as a session.

Invited/Plenary Talks Informations


Please check OPIC online program https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/opic2022/top?lang=en
Please select OWPT2022 as a session.


The following is the ringing timing of the bell.
Plenary talk (total 30min): 1st 20min, 2nd 25min, 3rd 30min
Special talk (total 30min): 1st 20min, 2nd 25min, 3rd 30min
Invited talk (total 30min): 1st 20min, 2nd 25min, 3rd 30min
Contributed presentation (total 15min): presentation 10-12min (1st 8min, 2nd. 12min), 3rd 15min


The presenters are requested to come to the venue, Pacifico, Yokohama, Japan to give the talk in-person and to make more active discussion and effective networking.
In addition, presenters provide a one-page Poster PDF for online participants and the PDF file should be uploaded by 11th, April, 2022.
Poster PDF file can be accessed from online program of OWPT poster session during the conference.
Participants can ask questions using the chat system on the online program. Presenters should check the chat system during the conference and answer to them.