- Shiro Uchida (Chiba Institute if Technology)
“Photonic power converters based on InGaN, InGaP, CIGS and InGaAs for optical wireless power transmission”
- Kazunori Mukasa (Furukawa Electric)
“Hollow core fibers for high-power signal and energy transmissions”
- Phillip Lubin (University of California, Santa Barbara)
“Optical wireless power transmission for space applications (Tentative)”
- Bahram Jalali (University of California, Los Angeles)
“Optical Power Delivery Through Tissue”
- Daniel Lee (Optizone Technology)
“The importance of fiber optical cable in industrial CW Laser”
- Antonio J. Garcia-Loureiro (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
“RePowerSiC: High-efficiency high-power laser conversion systems based on SiC for space applications”
- Lin Dingyi (Southeast University)
“A new DC motor drive system: photon-driven DC motor system”
- Ortal Alpert (Wi-Change Ltd.)
“Recent progress in optical wireless power transmission (Tentative)”